Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 27 '17 esl>eng aunque ella misma se oponga even in the face of her resistance easy closed ok
4 Mar 21 '16 eng>eng Whereat after that / after which easy closed ok
4 Apr 21 '13 eng>esl No hay mayor grandeza que vencerse a sí mismo. Esa es la grandeza… Self-conquest is the highest achievement of all, for therein lies true grandeur. easy closed no
- Jan 16 '11 eng>esl under the prestigious bajo la égida del prestigioso easy closed no
- Apr 17 '10 esl>eng por su parte, la revista argentina Rolling Stone .. However, the Argentinian version of [the magazine] Rolling Stone easy closed ok
4 Nov 20 '09 eng>eng since [awkward construction] easy closed no
- Jan 26 '08 esl>eng Me puedes esperar ahi abajo You can wait for me there. // You can stay there and wait for me. easy closed ok
4 Oct 27 '06 heb>eng Morah teacher easy closed no
4 Jul 14 '06 por>eng o qual é Based on this assumption, which was the subject of a preliminary study... easy closed no
4 Jul 13 '06 eng>eng test question might need easy closed no
4 Jun 23 '06 eng>eng anything short of anything except easy closed no
- Jun 12 '06 eng>eng relative pronoun Untill recently, few scientists realized how much we depend on friendly bacteria and para easy closed no
- May 2 '06 esl>fra apotegma apothème easy closed no
3 Jan 29 '06 fra>esl le role des historiens el papel de los historiadores easy closed ok
- Jan 11 '06 eng>eng in my notebook, I WAXED POETIC about the alluring possibility of simply ..... to grow poetic / to speak in a poetic manner easy closed ok
4 Jan 4 '06 por>eng Vícios de linguagem corruption / bastardization easy closed no
- Dec 17 '05 fra>eng On a toujours besoin d’un plus petit que soi We all need a miniature version of ourselves easy closed ok
NP Dec 14 '05 lat>eng post coitum omne animalium triste est all animals are sad after intercourse easy closed ok
- Nov 13 '05 eng>eng a collective noun (or phrase) for people involved in a drama production cast and crew easy closed ok
3 Nov 11 '05 por>eng Obra Literária work of literature easy closed ok
4 Mar 9 '04 heb>eng beth second letter of the Hebrew alphabet easy closed no
4 Nov 28 '03 eng>esl life skills habilidades practicas easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered